woensdag 25 mei 2011

Electric violin..

Yes, a electric violin cake was the next assignment. I don't think it is made before on a cake, but I gave it a try and started looking for electric violins on how they look, because I had no clue. Where would we be if there was no Google? The idea was to put the violin on a holder so it would stand up but unfortunately I had no tylose to harden the fondant. All with all this is the result of my electric violin music cake. The buildings on the side are not that great, I know.. But it was a first so better next time... Hope you still like it :)

zondag 22 mei 2011

World Cake News

During the Organic Food Fair in Poland on 21th of May 2011 there was a very special and very HUGE cake shown. The cake had a length of 1.6 meters. For the making of the cake there were used 3 thousand yolk, 300 kilo plum jam, 55 kilo of flour and over 200 kilograms of chocolate. The cake will be submitted to the world's Guinness Book of Record.

But the look of it is not near as pretty as my cakes! :)

woensdag 18 mei 2011

Little Diva cake

This cake was made for a little lady diva called Dilara. Somehow I had no inspiration at all when I started at this cake. So I began with the cover up of the cake and thought about the decoration later on. When I was finished with the cover up there still was no inspiration at all! I started making fondant make-up but wasn't to happy about it.
I looked at the clock and saw it was 1 AM, that's when I realized I started running out of time. So what do you do then? Go to sleep off course. I set up my alarm and went to sleep. The next morning I started with a fresh sleeve and somehow it all fell together...

I filled up the cake with strawberry bavaroise with fresh strawberries.
And this is the result...

Hello Kitty cake

My first big assignment started with a Hello Kitty cake. For a first big cake a little bit hard but so fun making it. The buyer was veryyy critical so I was a little nervous but at the end she LOVED the cake just like her guests and the birthday girl herself.

I filled up the cake with one layer strawberry bavaroise and one layer vanilla crème with little pieces of fresh strawberries and raspberries. The combination was definitely a success.

I know there are a few flaws but those are my beginner flaws :)